ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0018.11 | Martin Wabitsch, Daniel Tews, Julia von Schnurbein, Melanie Schirmer, Eleni Giannopoulou, Cem Süleyman Adiyaman, Christian Denzer, Stephanie Brandt | ESPEYB18

11. Obesity and Weight Regulation

Wabitsch Martin , Tews Daniel , von Schnurbein Julia , Schirmer Melanie , Giannopoulou Eleni , Adiyaman Cem Suleyman , Denzer Christian , Brandt Stephanie

PrefaceIn analogy to previous years, in this yearÂ’s chapter we can present only ~1% of the acquired publications according to our search criteria in Pubmed. The last year has again been extremely exciting for the field of obesity and weight regulation and it was a significant step into the future in terms of scientific output. Of course, one of the well-known phenomena of the past year has been a marked increase in child and adolescent body weights ...